Forever Dalmatian

A stunning guard dog and a great exercise companion...

Sound like what you're looking for? Then a Dalmatian dog might be perfect for you.

This beautiful breed which is often nicknamed a ‘Dal’ is famous for its distinctive spotty look. They’ve featured worldwide in the media and its easy to see why.

This medium-large sized dog is a wonderful hiking and jogging partner. They’ll thrive in active households where they have the opportunity for plenty of daily exercise. Although having a secure back garden is great for them – they aren’t suitable for outdoor living when the temperature plummets.

Did you know?

Most Dalmatians puppies are born without spots! Their spots can take up to 10 days to start showing and will continue developing until the dog is around 18 months old!

Dal dogs are usually friendly and quite outgoing and do not often display shyness. However, it’s important to socialise and train Dalmatian puppies at an early age. This will encourage the puppies to grow into well-adjusted canine companions.  

What do I need to know about Dalmatians?

  • Deafness in Dalmatians

Around 10-12% of all Dal puppies are born deaf. This is because its very present in the breed. If you’re getting your new puppy from a reputable breeder, then they will be able to show a record of genetic health testing done on the parents.

  • More than just black and white

Although most people will think of Dalmatians as only being black and white, they actually come in many colours.

The British Kennel Club recognises both black-and liver-coloured spots as being breed standards.

Did you know?

Although not considered a breed-standard, there are ‘lemon Dalmatian’ dogs which feature pale yellow spots on white fur.

  • Check Dalmatian ears often

As their ears flop down, it’s important to check them regularly to make sure they’re free from infection. If you are concerned about anything you see or find, contact a vet immediately.

Dalmatians in history

The Dal is one of the few breeds where their history isn’t clear. Artifacts have been found to support their origin in the British Isles, Europe, Asia and even North Africa.

What is clear is that they were originally bred to be ‘coach dogs’. This is where they would run alongside the horses and coaches to protect them. This is why your Dalmatian puppy will likely show some protective instinct.

Overall, this dedicated, bright, and loving dog would make a perfect furry friend for the right family.


Check out Dalmatian puppies for sale here.
To list your Dalmatian puppy for sale, click here.

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