How to protect your dog in a heatwave

Safety tips for looking after your dog in warm weather

Many of us are currently struggling to keep cool in this heatwave and our pets are no exception!

With the temperatures only set to rise in the next few days, it’s incredibly important to make sure we are protecting our pet from the dangers of warm weather.


Why is it dangerous for dogs in hot weather?

Whereas we humans are able to pour a cold drink to keep hydrated or put a fan on when we’re getting warm, a dog doesn’t have the ability.

Many of us would laugh at the prospect of wearing a large fur coat when the temperature rises, but our pets don’t have much of a choice.

Without being able to verbally signal when they’re feeling unwell because of the warm weather, it’s crucial that dog owners watch out for the warning signs of overheating.

Things to watch out for:

  • Overheating

We can all get hot and bothered in this weather. It’s more important than ever to make sure we help our pets keep cool.

Dog overheating signs to watch out for are frantic panting, laboured breathing and excessive drooling.

  • Sunburn

It might surprise you to find out that dogs can actually suffer from sunburn. Areas that are most at risk from getting sunburnt are paws, tummies, noses and also the tips of the ears.

Using a dog-safe sunblock can actually help protect your dog from getting burnt.

  • Dehydration

Keeping your dog’s water bowl full and cool is the best way to stop your dog from overheating.

You should monitor your dog’s bowl throughout the day as water can easily evaporate in warm weather.

  • Heatstroke

Just like us, dogs can easily develop heatstroke in hot weather. The most obvious signs to look out for are excessive panting as well as clear signs of discomfort like uncoordinated movement, tummy issues and reddened gums.

Read more about the dangers of hot weather to dogs

How to keep your dog cool in a heatwave?

We’ve put together some easy tips to follow to try to keep your puppy cool in the hot weather.

15 easy tips to help your puppy stay cool

1. Provide plenty of access to shade when your pet is outdoors.

2. Put down a cool damp towel for your pet to lie on.

3. Consider giving your dog a little trim to get rid of excess fur.

4. Make sure they have plenty of access to their water bowl.


5. Think about getting a doggy paddling pool for them to splash about in. 

6. Put an ice cube in your dog’s water bowl to help keep the water temperature cool.

7. Don’t leave them in a locked car as it can be extremely dangerous.

8. Don’t consider walking your pet during the warmest times of the day.


9. Brush them regularly to get rid of dead hair.

10. Use a fan to blow cool air around the room. Make sure it’s out of reach of your dog so that they don’t hurt themselves.

11. Look for cold dog treats like dog-friendly ice cream.

12. Use a specially designed dog cooling mat to give them a place to cool down.


13. Protect your pet’s paws from the hot ground.

14. Prevent your dog from getting sunburned by using dog-safe suncream.

15. Use a garden sprinkler to give your puppy a place to play and keep cool outside.

Read our dog summertime safety tips

Keep your dog safe in the garden in a heatwave

Naturally, as the weather gets warmer many of us will gravitate to spending time outside. It’s important that when we are bringing our pets with us that they have plenty of access to water, food, and shade.

Doggy paddling pools are a great option to help your pet keep cool in the sun. Just remember, that not all dogs will enjoy being in the water.

Read more on garden safety for dogs

Is it too hot to walk my dog?

Regardless of dog breed, it’s important that your dog still gets the exercise that they need. However, there are definitely safer ways to do it when it’s sunny.

The hotter the temperature the more the higher the risk for heat stroke which can be a pet emergency. Where possible, plan exercise in air-conditioned locations whether that’s inside your home or at a dog-friendly event.

Learn about garden poisons for dog owners to watch out for
Dog walking in a heatwave

It’s best to plan your walks when the temperature is likely to be cooler. The optimal times of day for this are usually early morning or late evening.

If the temperature is above 20°C then you should exercise caution when walking your pet. If your dog is overweight or of a larger breed then they’ll be at an even higher risk of overheating.

Travelling with dogs in the heat

Never leave your dog locked inside your car as it can become very dangerous very quickly.

In a heatwave, even leaving them in a car with the window cracked can present risks to your pooch.

Tips for protecting your puppy when travelling

Check out some of our other helpful dog guides here.

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