For Sale
Our most loved Boston girl Lola gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies. 5 boys and 1 girl. Mum and dad both black and white and KC registered. Both with amazing temperament. The puppies are raised in family environment with children and with another Boston terrier girl. We also exposing all the puppies to ENS ( early neurological stimulation) to make sure puppies will develop the best social skills and temperament. Before leaving their home they will be vet checked, de-flea, wormed, microchipped, KC registered and they will also have their first injection. They will come with puppy pack containing puppy food, blanket, toy, 5 week insurance and Kennel club paperwork. They will be ready to leave 1st of March 2025. We prefer the new owner/parent to come and see the baby puppy prior the pick up date, so he/she can choose the puppy and also we can make sure that our precious babies will have the best home. Then deposit of 20% will be required to secure the puppy. Video call might be an option too. Boy 1: champagne/lilac and white (grey) £1900 Boy 2: champagne/lilac and white (grey) £1900 Boy 3: black and white £1800 Boy 4: black and white £1800 Boy 5: black and white £1800 Girl 1: reserved
- Age: 3½ weeks
- Ready to leave: 5½ weeks
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Boston Terrier |
Litter Size: | 6 |
Available: | 6 |
Sex: | Boys |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 3½ weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | Yes |
Ad ID: | 625491995636 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |