For Sale
We are 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ council licensed HOME breeders of Extensively health tested Cavapoo babies of exceptional quality. We aim to produce genetically healthy, high quality puppies from well selected parents, who will have wonderful temperament and bring a lot of joy to their new owners lives.
Our babies are always born in our bedroom so they can be watched day and night they are never left. We are absolutely dedicated to providing them with the best possible start, they are held several times a day , and will be used to all the normal household noises and smells etc, which will inevitably help them to grow into well-balanced and sociable household pets. They will have the very best of everything and also be showered with love by us and all our visitors.
Due to our extensive socialisation programme our puppies are always very happy confident and always transition from breeder to new owner so quickly.
Mum is a red F1 Cavapoo. She is very intelligent loving and loyal, she loves going out for long walks her food and laying on your lap having a cuddle.
She really is an adorable girl she loves absolutely everyone and just wants to be cuddled & loved. She’s fantastic with other animals and adores children, especially if they play fetch with her.
She is very much part of our family.
She has been extensively health tested for:
Extensively DNA screened for 220 Genetic diseases linked to the Cavapoo breed , ( Cavalier & Poodle Diseases)
She has been BVA Doppler heart tested scoring a green card - MVD Zero - Zero
BVA Eye tested (Unaffected) Certificate March 2024
She is a very fit active & healthy girl.
Dad is a very handsome loving & loyal Kennel Club Registered Red Toy Poodle, coming from international champion lines.
He has been extensively DNA tested CLEAR for all breed related genetic diseases, he has had the full 220 DNA genetic disease screen. He has been BVA Eye tested (Unaffected) March 2024.
Due to the extensive level of health testing both parents have had its quite certain that your puppy is of fantastic quality and will not develop any of the genetic conditions associated with the cavapoo breed.
Parent’s paperwork can be shown to you when you visit. You will also be given copies of everything in your puppy pack.
Mum and puppies will be thoroughly vet checked & given first vaccine at 7 weeks old.
Our puppies new owners will be provided with:
⭐️ Extensive vet check with Certificate of health stamped & signed provided by our vet.
⭐️ All health test documents for mum & dad & Pedigrees.
⭐️ Puppy care plan with their daily routine.
⭐️ Contract between breeder & New owner.
⭐️ Your puppy will be microchipped & transfered directly over to you.
⭐️Your puppy will have 5 weeks FREE pet insurance.
⭐️ Full record of your puppies development.
⭐️ First Vaccine & second Vaccine pre paid .
⭐️ Wormed at 2 5 & 7 weeks with Panacur Liquid.
⭐️ Flea treated as a precaution.
⭐️ 80% Garden trained we do NOT use puppy pads.
⭐️ Crate Trained.
⭐️ A 3 KG bag of food.
⭐️ Your puppy will be provided with a scented blanket and a generous puppy pack.
⭐️ Life time of support & guidance we love to stay in contact with our babies.
If you are positive that you can provide one of our exceptional Cavapoo puppies with a 5 Star Forever home. Please do get in touch we are happy to answer any further questions.
Videos of each available puppy can be sent to you via WhatsApp or email. Once you have visited and chosen your new fur baby. I will require a £300 non-refundable holding fee. The balance is to be paid when you collect your fur baby.
Puppies can go to their new forever homes from 19th September 2024 when they are 8 weeks old.
If you have any questions or feel you have a place in your home for one of our exquisite puppies, please feel free to text or call
Thank you for looking at our advert
- Age: 5½ months
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Licensed Breeder Advert |
Breed: | Cavapoo |
Litter Size: | 5 |
Sold So Far: | 3 |
Available: | 2 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
License Number: | LN/202000300 |
Local Authority: | BROXBOURNE |
Current Age: | 5½ months |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 518192165992 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |