For Sale
We have a beautiful litter of puppies born on November 27th 2024.
Mum is a Dogue De Bordeaux x American Bully & Dad is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier x Bullmastiff. Our pups are just over 4 weeks old. They are currently weaning and will be on a raw food diet.
Our pups are absolutely amazing — playful, cheeky, loving, and they adore human contact, playing, and cuddling. Their unique characters and personalities are really starting to emerge. They’ve been raised in a loving home and are well socialised.
Each pup will be health checked, microchipped, up-to-date with worming, flea checked, and will also have 4 weeks free insurance. They will leave for their forever homes with a small puppy pack, including a blanket with Mums scent, a toy & treats.
Both Mum and Dad have wonderful temperaments and personalities who are both our family pets. Mum can be seen, but unfortunately Dad is no longer with us, as he passed away before the pups arrived.
The pups will be ready to leave for their forever homes on January 22nd.
Pups are £600 each, a holding deposit of £100 is required to secure your pup.
Feel free to message me for more pics or any other info.
My mobile number is 07710624273
🐾 Fuchsia pink collar - Girl
🐾 Orange collar - Girl
🐾 Yellow collar - Girl
🐾 Baby pink collar - Girl
🐾 Gold collar - Girl
🐾 Purple collar - Girl
🐾 Grey/silver collar - Girl
🐾 Baby blue collar - Girl
🐾 Dark blue collar - Boy
🐾 Green collar - Boy
🐾 Red collar - Boy
- Age: 7 weeks
- Ready to leave: 7 days
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Dogue de Bordeaux |
Litter Size: | 11 |
Sold So Far: | 6 |
Available: | 5 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 7 weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | No |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 290239388104 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |