For Sale
My gorgeous Isabella Lilac coloured shepherd has given birth to 3 beautiful puppies 2 males (blue and red collars) and one female (pink collar)
Mum and dad a both 6 generation pedigree. Both have amazing temperaments, lovely calm and friendly nature. They are our family pets and are amazing with my 6 year old son and 9 year old chihauhau!
Puppies are available once they are 8 weeks. From the 15th December they will be ready for their forever homes.
They will be microchipped with up to date vaccinations as well as flea and worming treatment.
Each puppy will come home with their own puppy pack, including a blanket with their mother’s scent on and some food they are used to eating.
Along with any advice you may need.
We will also love to keep in contact and offer any advice you may need with your newest family member ♥️
All puppies will be trained age appropriately this will include toilet training, socialising and grooming.
Please get in contact if you would love to make one of these cuties your new family member. £300 deposit is required to reserve the puppy of your choice.
Once reserved you will receive weekly updates on how your puppy is doing and photos until they are ready to go home with you!
The price is negotiable, open to sensible offers as our main priority is they go to good homes!
Happy to answer and questions you may have.
- Age: 3 months
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | German Shepherd |
Litter Size: | 3 |
Available: | 3 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 3 months |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 822200108083 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |