For Sale
My beautiful girl, Daisy May has had seven stunning puppies, five boys, two girls. Daisy has been a great mum. These puppies are toy. They probably will not get any bigger than 11 inches weighing approximately 7 to 8 kg.. puppies are being brought up in a family environment lots of hugs and interaction with everybody so very well socialised
. They are being weaned off Mummy now and eating very well.. dad is a toy poodle KC registered all health checks done you will get a copy of all the paperwork from both parents. Mum and dad are both family pets with fantastic nature. Daisies is the most loving dog very friendly gets on with everybody and dogs, already you can tell the Puppies are like that too. These puppies are top quality and every care has been taken to make sure they are healthy and happy they will be chipped. Health tested first vaccination wormed and flea up to date . you will also have four weeks free pet insurance and a puppy pack with the scent of mum, food toys and helpful tips for you and your new poppy. I require a £250 nonrefundable deposit . Puppies will be ready for their new homes on. 23rd Jan 2025 please text or phone as emails are taking a long time to come through many thanks x
- Age: 7 weeks
- Ready to leave: 8 days
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Labradoodle |
Litter Size: | 7 |
Available: | 7 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 7 weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 833587012428 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |