12 Adorable Smart Dog Breeds

Are some dog breeds more intelligent than others?

You’ll always get individual dogs who break the dog breed mould, but you can usually make some good assumptions.

For example, you’ll usually find that Basset Hounds enjoy snoozing the day away on a sofa, whilst Golden Retrievers will much prefer to explore the outdoors with an active family.

The same can be said for intelligence, some breeds will be more likely to sniff out a food puzzle with ease, whereas other dog breeds might take a little longer to solve it.

How is dog intelligence measured?

There’s no 1 size fits all way of measuring dog intelligence. Just like with human intelligence, it can show in different ways.

Typically, the term ‘dog intelligence’ is used to describe their ability to collect new information and acquire new skills with ease. These new skills and information are stored in their memory ready to be used in a new way or applied in a new setting.

This skill or information could be related specifically to socialisation, scent tracking, sporting or even learning tricks. It’s why shows such as Crufts are so popular as they celebrate different types of dog intelligence.

Are intelligent dogs easier to train?

You would be forgiven for thinking that smarter dog breeds are automatically easier to train. In fact, the opposite can sometimes be true.

A more intelligent dog breed usually has the ability to learn a skill faster, but they’re equally as likely to be challenging because of their ability to think independently.

The key thing with any breed regardless of dog intelligence is consistency and identifying what motivates your puppy to learn.

Guide for positive puppy training

12 Adorable Intelligent Dog Breeds

We’ve put together a list of 13 dog breeds that are known for their intelligence.

1. Poodle

This intelligent and fun-loving pooch is also a great option for those with dog allergies (check out the best hypoallergenic dogs).

Miniature Poodles for sale
2. Miniature Schnauzer

With a striking appearance and plenty of personality, it’s easy to see why this breed is so well-loved.

Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale
3. Border Collie

An active and loving dog breed who will love exploring the outdoors with a confident owner.

Border Collies for sale
4. Dobermans

Dobermans are usually fiercely loyal and extremely protective of their family.

Doberman puppies for sale
5. Papillon

A lovely little breed who is happy go lucky and will enjoy plenty of cuddles on your lap. Check out other small puppy breeds that make great lapdogs.

Papillons for sale
6. Golden Retriever

This breed will enjoy life with an active family and return love and loyalty tenfold.

Golden Retriever puppies for sale
7. English Springer Spaniel

They are known for being a fun-loving breed that is athletic, eager, and adaptable.

English Springer Spaniels for sale
8. Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi is a great option for inexperienced pet owners or those with a family. They’re known for being eager to learn.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for sale
9. Labrador Retriever

Labs are often described as having great temperaments. They’re friendly and active and will enjoy being a family pet.

Labrador Retrievers for sale
10. German Shepherd

They’re the perfect choice for dog lovers looking for a loyal companion to suit a lively lifestyle.

 German Shepherd puppies for sale
11. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are first-rate protectors and often extremely gentle playmates when properly trained and socialised.

Rottweilers for sale

12. Shetland Sheepdog

A Sheltie is well known for its small and fluffy appearance and individual personality. Check out tips on how to groom your dog at home.

Shetland Sheepdog puppies for sale

Ready to find your Forever Puppy?

It’s important to remember that dog intelligence is just one consideration when you’re picking your perfect pooch.

It’s much better to make sure that your dog breed of choice suits your home and your lifestyle.

Look at the puppies available for sale.
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