Dog Firework Safety Guide| 13 Puppy Bonfire Night Safety Tips

How to soothe your furry friend during firework season. 

With Bonfire night fast approaching, we have put together a helpful guide to keep your pet safe around fireworks.

Although fireworks are entertaining for many people, they can be scary for pets. Especially nervous pets or young puppies who have not experienced it before.

Why are dogs scared of fireworks?

Dogs have evolved to have natural protective survival instincts to protect themselves. So, when they are presented with loud noise, flashing lights and strong smells – it’s not hard to see why they are wary.

It doesn’t help that dogs can’t pinpoint where the sounds, smells and lights are coming from. So they panic when they can’t escape the unknown danger.

Some dogs find the experience so traumatic, that they actually develop PTSD from fireworks!

Did you know?

Noise aversion can be influenced by a dog’s breed, age or even sex! Scientists have found that German Shepherds are more likely to pace when stressed. Whereas a Border Collie will opt to hide instead.


Tips to keep your puppy firework safe:

  1. Go for an early walk while it's still light outside. They'll hopefully get through their walk without being scared – and also be much sleepier by the time the fireworks start. 
  2. Feed your pet before the fireworks start. They may be too anxious later.
  3. Offer plenty of available water. Fear can make dogs pant which can lead to them behind dehydrated.
  4. Shut all doors and windows and close the curtains. This will lower the volume of the bangs and limit the number of flashes your dog experiences.
  5. Never bring your dog to see the fireworks. Being up close will only lead to increased fear in your pet.
  6. Shut gates tight and make sure gardens are impenetrable during firework season. The sudden noise might cause your dog to do anything to try to escape. Even if this isn’t your pet’s usual behaviour.
  7. Make sure all collars and microchips are up to date. So, if your dog does escape, they will be able to be returned to you.
  8. Distraction your dog. Many pet owners will play white noise to cover the bangs and offer treats as yummy distractions.
  9. Build a retreat for your puppy indoors. This offers your dog somewhere to escape to if they’re feeling overwhelmed. Do not try to force them out. Let them come out when they are ready to.
  10. Act normal. Dogs are highly perceptive and will notice if you’re acting nervous. Seeing you behaving normally will reassure your pet that there is nothing to be afraid of.
  11. Ask your vet for mediciations to help anxiety this firework season. If you know your dog is particularly anxious, it may be worth speaking with your vet about your concerns. 
  12. Expose your puppy ahead of time to the noise in a controlled way. This helps them get used to it before they face the full firework season. There’s Spotify tracks and YouTube videos which can talk you through the process.
  13. Swaddling a dog might help keep them calm. Wrapping a pup (as long as they are still able to escape the bundle if they want to) can actually help sooth them when they’re feeling stressed.
Here at Forever Puppy, we hope that your pets are safe this firework season.

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