Forever Puppy Guide to Buying a Puppy

Things you should know before buying a puppy

Ready to buy a puppy? 

Getting a dog is a lifelong commitment. That may sound daunting, but it’s true. If you’re going to welcome a puppy or new dog into your home you have to be prepared to be in it for the long-term, good and bad. 

Here at Forever Puppy we believe that all dogs deserve loving homes. With a variety of breeds to choose from, we’re here to help you find your perfect match. 

If you’re considering welcoming a pup into your life, here are some things to consider.

Finding the Perfect Pup: How to Choose the Right Breed

First things first, what breed to choose? It can be so hard to know what dog to pick. Ultimately you need to ask yourself a few questions and really do your research!

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Dog Breed

Not sure which breed is right for you? Here are a few things to ask yourself to determine what dog breed is a good match:

  1. Why do you want a dog? 
  2. What size dog do you want?
  3. What gender puppy would you like?
  4. How active are you/your family?
  5. What grooming needs does the breed have?
  6. What energy levels does the breed have?
  7. What kind of exercise needs does that dog have?
  8. Will the dog be a good fit for your current situation (i.e. where you live, size of your home, size of your family etc)?
  9. What health concerns does that particular breed have? (find this on Kennel Club’s A to Z Guide and find health information for different dog breeds). 
  10. How much training does that breed require (and how easy they are to train)?

There are some useful quizzes online which help match you to a breed that suits based on your answers. Take a look at a few and narrow things down!

Need further help deciding? Check out a few of our breed guides below:

You can also read about individual breeds in our Forever Puppy breed guides to give you more insight into a range of dog breeds! 

Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2024

Things to Consider Before Buying a Dog

Once you’ve chosen the breed, there are still a few things to consider before making the leap. Whilst it’s not exactly fun to think about, there are other important things to make sure you have ticked off before getting a dog. 

Here are things you should ask yourself before getting a puppy:

  • Can I afford it? - Between pet insurance (or putting money aside), vet costs, food, training, daycare/dog walkers, grooming, treats and essentials, this all adds up! It’s a good idea to get an idea of what it all might cost so you know if you have the extra budget if other costs rise. 

  • Do I have the time? Are you ready to factor in planning things around your dog? Do you have time for walks, grooming and seeing to their needs? Will they be left alone for several hours whilst you’re at work? Do you have time for puppy training and socialisation when they first come home? Are you able to find someone to care for them if you go on holiday?

  • Can I meet their needs?  - Can you provide them with a suitable diet and environment? In fact, under the Animal Welfare Act (2006, Act 9) you have to make sure that:

For the purposes of this Act, an animal's needs shall be taken to include— 

(a)its need for a suitable environment,

(b)its need for a suitable diet,

(c)its need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns,

(d)any need it has to be housed with, or apart from, other animals, and

(e)its need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.

  • Is it the right decision? - If you have small children, a demanding job, other animals, limited free time etc, is a dog the right choice for you in your current circumstances? It doesn’t mean you can never get a dog, but decide whether it’s right for you in the moment. It’s a lifetime commitment, so you need to make sure you can alter your life around the dog to make sure its needs are met. 

The Benefits of Owning a Dog: A Guide for First-Time Dog Owners

What to Expect When Getting a Puppy

We’ve talked about choosing a breed and things to consider, but there’s more! Once you’ve found a responsible breeder, chosen the perfect pup and started getting ready, here are a few more things to consider!

We have more useful guides about dog ownership on the site to help you on this new journey.

When you’re ready, check out our puppy buyer’s checklist, find out why we’re the best place to buy a puppy in the UK and find your dream dog today

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