Itchy Pup

You’ve probably noticed your pup scratching from time to time. This can be perfectly normal behaviour, however if it becomes more frequent then it may be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Dogs, just like people, can show symptoms of itching when their immune system recognises certain everyday substances as foreign, such as some foods, pollens or grasses. Even though these substances are harmless to most dogs, those with skin conditions will react to them causing severe discomfort and itching, which worsens the problem.

So, when is an itch just an itch, and when might it be a sign of serious discomfort?

Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Persistent licking, chewing or scratching
  • Frequent rolling or scooting
  • Reoccurring ear problems
  • Changes in the skin colour
  • Body odour

If you have noticed ANY of the above, don’t let your puppy suffer in silence. There are innovative and effective therapies available to ensure they are kept comfortable.

Contact your vet to book an appointment and get fast relief from that irritating itch, and keep your puppy as happy and healthy as possible.

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