New Year’s Resolutions for Dogs and Their Owners

Resolutions for you and your pet!

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to set goals and make positive changes in our lives.

Some people love them. Some people hate them. Some people never ever stick to them. But that’s OK! I think they’re a helpful way to set out your goals and intentions for the year!

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What’s a New Year’s Resolution for Dogs?

As dog owners, it’s important to not only focus on ourselves but also on our furry best friends. 

So we’ve put together some ideas for resolutions for dogs and their owners. You might find that some resolutions call out to you, and others don’t quite fit. But it’s a start!

Dog and Owner New Year’s Resolutions

  • 1. Get more exercise

Get more exercise together - dog playing in the parkI feel like this is on my list of resolutions every year. But it’s important to make sure your dog gets enough physical activity. 

Whether it’s a daily walk or a trip to the dog park, they both have benefits for both the dog and the owner. 

It’s also a wonderful way to bond with your pet and build a strong relationship and bond. 

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  • 2. Learn some new tricks

Teaching your dog new tricksThis is a really fun one to try and accomplish. But it also helps keep your dog’s mind active and hopefully keeps them out of trouble!

If you’ve never done trick training, start with simple commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘come’. Once you master the basic commands, you can work your way up to more advanced tricks like ‘roll over’ or ‘paw’.

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  • 3. Get organised

Get organised with your dog's scheduleAnother New Year’s Resolution that always seems to be on my list is to get more organised. The way you want to get organised will definitely depend on you, your lifestyle and even your pet.

You might want to consider making a schedule for your pet's meals, walks, and even playtime. The hardest part is sticking to it, but keeping them on a routine will help ease confusion and anxiety. 

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  • 4. Work on negative behaviours

Work on your dog's bad habitsSo if your pooch is prone to barking or your dog defies you by scratching furniture, this might be the doggy resolution for you. 

Try to remember that a lot of the behaviours we sometimes call “negative” are often pretty natural. For example, Dachshunds and Jack Russells are major diggers.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t work to reduce them. However, using positive reinforcement can help show them that displaying more desirable behaviours will result in more fuss, praise and treats.

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  • 5. Have fun with your pet!

Have more fun with your dogI am definitely guilty of getting bogged down by household chores and work stresses, but it’s important to dedicate time to fun where you can.

Try taking your dog on a new adventure. Maybe try a brand-new activity together. Or even just set aside some extra cuddle time. 

Whatever you decide to do together, your dog will love the chance to spend more time with their favourite person.

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What if I don’t stick to them?

New Year’s Resolutions for dogs and their owners are a great way to set up what you want to focus on. But try not to stress yourself too much if you can’t stick to them.

Nobody is perfect. So if you miss out on that extra walk, that’s OK! Just try to get it in tomorrow or next week.

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