Top 10 Guard Dog Breeds

Dog breeds that make the perfect guards for your home 

Guard dog breeds are often sought after to provide both protection and companionship. They’re known for their loyalty, intelligence and protective instincts. 

We’ve put together a list of the top 10 guard dog breeds for your consideration. The list includes some favourite guard dogs to some lesser-known breeds. 

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10 of the dog breeds to guard your family and home

These beautiful dog breeds were chosen for particular traits the breed exhibits, but are in no particular order! And remember, every guard dog will need thorough training to do their job properly. 

akita dog1. Akita

This pooch is known for its incredible loyalty and thrives in active households. They form deep bonds with their owners and so make great guard dogs. 

Learn more about the Akita dog breed
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German Shepherd dog2. German Shepherd

A loyal, loving and lively breed. The German Shepherd is hugely popular for a reason. They’re also very well known for being an intelligent breed, so would make an ideal choice for a guard pet. 

Learn about German Shepherds
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3. Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is an intense large dog breed, so it’s easy to see why this intimidating pooch is often a favourite for a guard dog position. However, you’d be surprised to know that they’re incredibly affectionate companions to their families. 

Find Bullmastiff dogs for sale

4. Great Dane

This breed was made famous by the cartoon Scooby-Doo, but don’t let that fool you. The dog breed is actually well-known for being graceful and patient. However, if you’re looking for a ferocious guard dog then you might want to keep looking, as they’re actually gentle giants. 

Find Great Dane puppies for sale 

Doberman puppies5. Doberman

A powerful, fearless and quick dog - they make ideal choices for guarding. They’re hugely loyal and you’ll find that they’re always alert to make sure they can protect their families. 

Learn more about the Doberman breed
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Belgian Malinois Dog6. Belgian Malinois

This stunning breed is strong, sturdy and definitely protective. They will prefer an owner that is happy to involve their pet in all areas of their lives. But you’ll need plenty of patience for this dog breed as they can often be described as challenging.

Learn more about Belgian Shepherd Malinois dogs
Find Belgian Shepherd Malinois puppies

7. Rhodesian Ridgeback

This absolutely beautiful breed is well-known for being a watcher. They’ll need a patient trainer as they can be overly dominant, but with a calm and kind owner, you’ll soon find their friendly and affectionate sides. 

Find Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies online

8. Boxer

If you’re looking for a guard dog breed with a sense of humour then look no further. You definitely won’t be bored with a Boxer dog in your life. What you might be surprised to find out is that they’re incredibly protective and have had a long history as hunting dogs!

Learn more about the Boxer dog breed
Find Boxer puppies for sale

Tibetan Mastiff9. Tibetan Mastiff

Loyal. Friendly. Courageous. All three definitely describe this majestic dog breed. Their regal appearance and alertness make them a prime breed choice when looking for dogs to guard a home. 

Learn more about the Tibetan Mastiff dog breed
Find Tibetan Mastiffs for sale

Cane Corso dog 10. Cane Corso

If there was ever a dog breed that was a born guard dog, then it’s the Cane Corso. They’re fiercely loyal and massively protective of their loved ones. Add that to their imposing stature and muscled body and you’ve got a dream guard dog. 

Learn more about Cane Corso dogs
Find Cane Corso dogs for sale 
Want to learn more about caring for a dog? Check out our helpful doggy guides


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