Please let me know if you have any female show type cocker spaniel puppies awaiting their forever home. No working cocker parents and I will tell you why. We have loved and lost our working cocker mum at 14 during lockdown and her daughter two years later. We love working cockers they are the best for fun active families but we are now early retired and the kids have grown and flown and we have a cocker spaniel hole in our hearts. However we are opting for a show type this time as her exercise needs will suit us better in the future and the pup comes first always. She will be well loved and never left as we are both at home and she will live next to a nature trail with deer, foxes, rabbits and loads of dogs. She already has a Labrador bf in waiting for lunchtime walks. I’m looking for an unusual face with a mix of colours but no solid (like Ruby) or black and white or blue roan (like Milly) if she has blue eyes I’m sold on the spot but appreciate that is unlikely. We are just a shopping trip away from being ready. We are in Bristol but are happy to drive for two or three hours. Please do send me a text on 07804828764. Thank you, take care Julia
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Cocker Spaniel |
Litter Size: | 1 |
Available: | 1 |
Sex: | Girls |
Advert Type: | Wanted |
Maximum Price: | £1,500 |
KC Registered: | Yes |
Ad ID: | 712426450228 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |