Getting your dog ready for when the clocks change

Getting your dog ready for when the clocks change

In spring we lose an hour, in autumn we gain one – daylight savings and clock changes can be confusing enough for us, but for our pets it can be an even bigger change.

Dogs in particular are creatures of habit. When the clocks change, you might find you need to change their routine which can be unsettling for them. There are a few simple things you can do in the lead up to, or once the clocks have altered.

When the clocks go forward

On the last Sunday in March, we ‘lose’ an hour. Although it means getting up an hour earlier, it also means the evenings are much lighter.

It can be a little more difficult for pets to adjust to this change but a bit of advanced preparation can really help. Don’t try to force your pet to wake up an hour earlier straight away – sudden change can be stressful for pets. Instead, try slowly adjusting their breakfast time over a week or so before the clocks change. By offering their food 10 minutes earlier each day, they are more likely to naturally adjust to waking up earlier.

If you usually settle your pet down at a certain time of the night for bed, you may find it tricky getting them to settle an hour earlier. If you can, prepare in advance. Bring their bedtime forward by 10 minutes each evening so they can get used to it gradually in time for the clocks changing. You may also want to take dogs on slightly longer walks in the evenings to help tire them out, if suitable for their health.

Want to know more about getting your dog ready for spring time? Read our guide here: Getting your dog ready for springtime - Forever Puppy

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