Benefits of owning a dog

This is the sign you’ve been waiting for to buy a puppy.

We’ve covered some of the unexpected benefits of owning a dog (and some obvious ones).

It isn’t hard to see why dogs were voted Britain’s favourite pet. They’re adorable, normally fluffy and have those big puppy dog eyes. But there are actually many other benefits of owning a dog that you might not have known.

  • Dogs teach us new skills

They show us what really matters most and encourage us to show compassion and love without limits. Another key skill they encourage their owners to adopt is loyalty. There is a reason why they’re considered man’s best friend.

  • Having a dog encourages exercise

Regardless of breed, most dogs will need some sort of exercise daily. Whether it’s playing frisbee in the park, playing indoors or going for long daily walks. They love and need it.

They often make exercise fun – giving their owners a reason to get stuck in and enjoy the outdoors.

  • Pets are great for teaching responsibility to children

Although you should never leave your dog alone with a small child. Having them cater for most of your dog’s needs can actually help instil a vital skill in kids – responsibility.

It might not be instant. But looking after a cute fluffy puppy makes responsibility fun. Some things you can leave down to them:

- Regular feeding
- Making sure your pooch always has access to water
- Easy aspects of grooming
- Coming with you for your dog’s daily walk
- Training and teaching your pet new tricks


  • Dog owners tend to be healthier

Previous research has shown that having a dog can actually lower your blood pressure and lower cholesterol. This contributes to better overall heart health.

Having a dog can also reduce the chance of any children in your family having pet allergies. Exposing the children early has shown to have a positive effect.

Although they won’t be able to magically cure any pre-existing allergies. That doesn’t necessarily mean that pet ownership is off the table. Instead, try looking at hypoallergenic dogs as they drastically reduce the chance of an allergic reaction.

  • Pets improve your mental health

The benefits of dog ownership are not just physical. It’s been found that dogs can also make us happier. A study found that staring into your dog’s eyes releases ‘oxytocin’ (nicknamed the love hormone) which is a natural mood booster.

This is why dogs are often used as therapy pets which can help treat things like anxiety. They are often given to children who have a serious illness or who have been through something traumatic.

  • Dogs encourage us to be more social

A recent study has found that pet owners were significantly more likely to get to know their neighbours. For example, dog walking is more than just exercise – it means that you’re outdoors and more likely to bump into people who live nearby.

Owning a puppy or a dog significantly improves your life. But you need to be sure that you’re ready to own a pet.

Check out some of our guides to help you prepare for your new puppy.
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