Prepping Your Home For your New Pooch

How to get your home ready for your new pet

Socialisation is a term we often hear used to refer to puppy wellbeing. Put simply, socialisation is the process a young dog must go through to ensure they learn a set of key skills essential to their lifelong health and happiness. 

Training your puppy to be alone for short periods of time

Your puppy needs to learn that you cannot be with them all day and night and one of the best ways to start this training is during the daytime where they can see you.

Tips to help them adjust to being left alone
  1. Use a dog crate or a baby gate to separate them from you at least once every day at times when there are positive things happening, such as eating dinner. If they can still see you then they will not feel abandoned.
  2. Difficult as it may be, try not to keep returning to your puppy when they are crying out for you as you will inevitably make their behaviour worse and the whole training process much longer to complete. This is especially true during the nightime. 
  3. Another tip is not to fuss your puppy immediately on entering the room after a period of separation. Do something else first such as put the kettle on before calmly and quietly saying hello. This is to avoid any future over-exhuberant greetings. 

Tips to help your dogs with separation anxiety

Routines for your puppy

Establishing a good routine is key to your puppy settling down to family life. Consistent routines help them learn what is expected of them and what is likely to happen. 

A routine for your new puppy could mean regular meal times, walks, play times and down times. Down times allow your puppy to settle quietly to stop things from feeling overwhelming.

How to understand new puppy behaviour and help them settle in a new home

Keep your puppy safe in your home

Your home can be full of hidden danger for a new puppy. Before bringing your new dog home, it's worth thinking through what areas should be out of bounds and how you might "puppy-proof" your home.

Potential dangers for your pet:
  • stairs
  • electric wires
  • chemicals
  • tools and machinery
  • foods that aren't safe for puppy consumption

Puppy feeding guide - what can dogs not eat?

Get garden safe too

Dangers aren't just confined to inside your home. There are a number of dangers in your garden to watch out for. Such as:

Tips to keep them protected in the Summer

It's important to do what you can to keep your new pooch safe when they explore your garden. Never leave them alone unsupervised when playing outdoors.

Keep puppies warm in Winter

Most new dog owners will consider keeping their new pet warm outdoors, but you should also consider indoor warmth too. 

It's important to make sure that they are safe and warm at night. 

Easy Winter Tips for Dogs

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