Training your puppy simple commands

If you are going to get on well with your new puppy, you will need to train it in two types of command: call and stop.

Many a dog has been saved from an accident by being able to obey these very simple commands. In both cases, you should begin training your new friend very early on. Education begins as soon as the puppy arrives in your home.

Use simple words, and always the same ones. "Heel, Fido!" or "Fido, come!" will do just as well one as the other, as long as you do not change them.

The younger the puppy, the more the training needs to be playful, and the shorter the sessions should be: 5 minutes at a stretch for a 3 month old.

Rewarding is always more effective

Disobedience is very often due to not understanding. Words mean little to a dog, so you should back them up with clear accompanying gestures which it can learn and interpret more quickly.

As regards the call, never stand in front of your dog pointing at it and calling to heel! For the first lessons, crouch, face away and call softly, tapping your thigh, "Come, boy!". This makes you attractive for your puppy, who will come, and be delighted to get a vigorous stroking as a reward.

For more guides on training your new puppy click here: Puppy Guides, Resources and News: New Puppy Essentials - Forever Puppy

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